Human Capital Transformation

Today’s rapidly and continuously changing business environment demands greater agility than ever and the ability to quickly develop new strategies as circumstances evolve. But, it’s also critical to be able to execute those strategies rapidly and effectively.

It’s the people inside the company that execute the strategies, so companies that want to set-up for success know they need a business solution to optimize their workforce for today and prepare it for tomorrow.

The SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite includes a complete set of tightly integrated talent management solutions, robust workforce analytics and planning, plus a next generation core HR solution. SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite is that solution. SAP SuccessFactors improves executive insight and decision-making while ensuring you have the right people with the right skills doing the right work.

Key Service Offering Features

  • Assessment and Remediation   -   Noticing that your SuccessFactors implementation is falling behind or is no longer supporting for your organization’s needs? Work with the our team to plan a complete remediation for your SuccessFactors environment.
  • Integration   -   Many organizations have several systems in place for different business processes. If you aren’t moving your entire organization over to SuccessFactors, you will need highly-skilled integration specialists to make the connections among your different environments. We have full team of technical experts to build and implement the correct integrations for you.
  • Roadmap Service   -   Planning out your organization’s technology roadmap from Successfactors perspective is important to successfully implement the correct solution at the right time for your business’s goals. We have the experience to help you build an actionable roadmap based on the business processes and requirements for your organization.
  • Solution Deployment   -   Transform your organization with integrated SAP Successfactors that fit your business needs. Whether implementing one module or the entire SuccessFactors suite, having an experienced partner is key to a successful go-live.
  • Support   -   After a successful go-live, your system and processes need support to keep everything functioning properly and supporting the business’s needs. Post-implementation support is key to keeping your system up to date with maintenance and release management as well as ticket support.

Diseno Consulting business strategy built on our expertise in strategy, technology and advisory to help clients perform at the highest levels. Using our industry knowledge, service-offering expertise and technology capabilities, we identify new business and technology trends around SAP and develop solutions to help clients.